Cleaning, Handling, and Orientation of Filters
Cleaning and Handling
Avoid or minimize direct contact with other filters or hands. Handle coated pieces by the edges only. Clean gently only if necessary. Loose particles should be removed with a bulb puffer or filtered pressurized air cleaner. If necessary, gently wipe the surface using anhydrous alcohol and lint-free lab towels. Use a new surface of the towel with each wipe.
Orientation Instructions
Proper orientation of the filter is necessary in order to minimize autofluorescence and maximize performance. There is a caret (arrow) located on the edge of each filter in order to aid orientation.
Dichroic mirrors should be mounted with the coated surface toward the light source, excitation filters, and the specimen. The dichroics either have an arrow/carat on the side pointing to the primary coating, or they are beveled on the side with the primary coating. The beveled side is the smaller surface. This coating should face the light source.
Excitation (x) filters should be positioned with the arrow pointing toward the specimen, toward the inside of the cube, and away from the light source.
Emission (m) filters should be placed with the arrow pointing toward the specimen, toward the inside of the cube, and away from the detector/eye.
Transmitting mirrors/polychronics, such as Yokogawa and others, are mounted opposite those for all other equipment. These mirrors should be mounted with the coated surface toward the sample and detector. The Trans PC has an arrow pointing toward the coated side.
Dichroics normally have a carat that points to the side with the primary coating, or they will have a bevel on the side with the primary coating. This coating should face the light source.
If you have further questions about how to clean your Chroma filter please contact Customer Service at orders@chroma.com.
If you have any questions about our filters please contact Customer Service. Additionally, contact our Sales Team will help you customize filters or recommend a catalog set to work with your application.